Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We are back online! Kick off going great!


Dear all,

We are back online!

Currently everything is being prepared for the big day the " VR-reunion Reunion 2008" on the beautiful island of Sint Maarten N.A.

We are expecting guests from the USA, Aruba, Holland, Curacao and of course Sint Maarten. But we know we have all of you too who can't be present thanks to technology, the phones will be working and the internet is there to assist us in keeping you up to date of the reunion.

The Van Romondt Family Tree Research Project and VR-Reunion 2008 is from all of us and this is the beauty of it all. Together we are achieving this wonderful dream of the most amazing Caribbean Family Tree.

We are also praying to find the many branches worldwide we still haven't found and hope to find them while we do this research.

Please inform your family members and anyone who is interested in our research and genealogy.

Thanks for your support!


Ingrid Gumbs (hobby genealogist and GUMBS GURU living in the Netherlands):

Lewis A. van Romondt(descendant living in Aruba) "Malaki, helaas kan ik dit evenement niet bijwonen (ben in het buitenland), jammer. Het zal een Historisch moment worden voor de familie"

Marion Stotijn/Ronald Richardson (descendant living in the Netherlands):
Even een mailtje om de te zeggen dat je fantastisch werk hebt gedaan en doet voor de reunion!

Jane G. Jackman (descendant living in the U.S.A.):
To learn about my ancestors is so very exciting!

Boi Antoine (Historian living in Bonaire N.A.)
Mi ta kontentu di a topa ku abo i bo ruman Chakira e siman aki. Masha poko
bia mi a topa ku hendenan asina yon ku ta interes den historia dje forma
aki. Dal bai. Ta algu hopi bon.

Irema Warner (contact living in Aruba):
Succes with the planning of the family reunion.

Swinda Richardson (descendant living in Sint Maarten N.A.)
I find this so interesting!

Jane Jackman (descendant living in the U.S.A.)
very excited of learning of all my new cousins!t is very exciting to know that so much is being done for the history of the VanRomondts family.

Family Mario Richardson (descendant living in The Netherlands)
Ik vind het fantastisch dat u de initiatief hebt genomen, om dit onderzoek opgang te brengen.
Ik vind het heel interessant en ontspannend om weg te duiken in het geschiedenis van jullie stamboom.
Al heel lang heb ik bij dit onderwerp stilgestaan, en nu kunnen velen hun antwoorden vinden, vooral mijn kinderen.
hebben ze doorverteld over uw initiatief en hoop dat een ieder zich ook gauw bijsluit. Bij deze wens ik u veel succes en dat de deuren zullen blijven opengaan, om dit tot een volledig geheel te maken.

Ginny Amrose (descendant living in the U.S.A.)
I was thrilled to hear of the news of my many cousins and you doing a tree and I am eagerly hoping to meet everyone. Well let me know if I can help.

Eddy A.J. Boodhai (contact living in the Netherlands)
Thank you very much for sending me updates in the spirit of your project concerning the family tree, it is most appreciated by me being only your mother’s friend and not a family member. Thank you again for your kindness & much success with your project.

Laetitia Haye-Nisbeth (descendant living in Sint Maarten N.A.)
Good luck with the whole organization of this tremendous event!

Michael R. Granger (Press Secretary/Administrative Assistant, to Commissioner Maria Buncamper-Molanus, Island Government of St. Maarten)
Good luck with everything!

Lex and Ruth van Selms-Nisbeth (descendant living in The Netherlands)
We zien met belangstelling uit naar de stamboom.

Karin Mitschele ( descendant living in the U.S.A.):
I, also am not only grateful but also in awe of your ability to put this whole thing together. With so many people I wonder how you can remember who anyone is! we will always remember you though, and how special you are.

Ferdinand Beauperthuy, son of Mr. Ruben Beauperthuy (contact living in Sint Maarten N.A.): I congratulate you on work since I too have attempted to make a family tree. Search ‘The Beauperthuy’s Of St. Martin/St. Maarten” not yet completed. Beauperthuy

Lyanne Beaujon (contact living in Aruba):
You are "TheBest" Iam very proud of you ! Your reseasrch of the VR Family is very important for the family and above all for the history of St.Maarten! Pabien and keep it up! Hopi hopi Exito meisje.Love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

veel geleerd