Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Get to know our descendants! Ligia Geerman and her Rumbo Ranch

Source: Pic by Malaki Z. Croes (Aruba)

This is Rumbo Ranch in Aruba located in the area of Juwana Morto, San Nicolaas!

Introducing Ligia Geerman:

Ligia Richardson is daughter of Calvin R. Richardson & Florence Leonard. Her grandfather was John Granville van Romondt who was owner of the "Granville Estate", Sint Peters, Sint Maarten N.A.

Source: Ligia Richardson (AUA)

It is amazing to know that at this time in life 2007, Ligia followed the footsteps of her grandfather without noticing. Her husband Rumbolo comes from a family that consists of 5 brothers and 3 sisters and their father owned a huge amount of property in the area of Juwana Morto, San Nicolaas,in Aruba where he had a ranch consisting of many local animals. When the father passed away each child inherit a piece of property.

Rumbolo (Ligia's husband) followed the footsteps of his father and made his own ranch "RUMBO RANCH". Currently Ligia, Rumbolo and their son Gilbert manage the ranch and take care of 500-600 goats, horse and chickens on the ranch.

Every year a number of 100-150 goats are brought to the butcher stals were local people buy meat for the Christmas activities to make local food, such as goatmeat, goatmeat soup etc.

Ligia is a hairdresser and loves to sew clothing.

Her motto is I thank God For The Strenght & Breath of Life To Keep Me Moving!

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